Repository | University of Roehampton: Archives and Special Collections |
Level | Sub-Fonds |
Ref No | AHG/4 |
Creator Name | Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London |
Title | [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the involvement of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London, with other organisations, groups and individuals |
Date | 1950-2000 |
Extent | 44 files and 12 items |
Description | Includes: records relating to Ann Hutchinson Guest's or the Language of Dance Centre's involvement in the running or establishment of other organisations and groups; records relating to membership of and involvement with other organisations and groups, including records relating to attendance at conferences; and collected records that document the work of other organisations, groups and individuals.
Includes records about the following organisations, groups and individuals:
- Beechmont Movement Study Centre, Sevenoaks, Kent
- Birmingham Dance Conference
- daCi (Dance and the Child International) conference
- DICE (Dance In the Community Exists in London)
- Dance Notation Bureau, New York, [USA]
- Oona Haaranen
- International Council of Kinetography Laban
- Labanotation Institute at the University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey
- [US] National Dance Teachers Guild (also known as [the National Dance Guild] and the American Dance Guild)
- The Vaslav Nijinsky Medal
- Nonington College of Physical Education, Kent (regarding a proposed International Library of Kinetograms)
- Drid Williams
- World Dance Alliance
- Other organisations and groups |
Language | English unless otherwise stated. |
Related Material | Further records relating to the work of other organisations, groups and individuals, and further records relating to collaborative work between Ann Hutchinson Guest, the Language of Dance Centre, London, and others, can be found throughout the collection.
In particular, see the records relating to teaching (in AHG/3), the records relating to the creation of publications (in AHG/2), the records relating to the creation and collection of Labanotated scores (in AHG/5), the collected reference material (in AHG/7), documents relating to the work of Mary Skeaping (in AHG/11), and the documents in AHG/19, for more information about the work of other organisations, groups and individuals. |