Description | At the front of the file is a list titled "William Beige Box 1" [this appears to be a list of some of the other files in the collection, and does not necessarily relate to the contents of this file]; list created in c2001-c2002.
The file contains correspondence, dated 1976-2002, sent to Richmal Ashbee [niece of Richmal Crompton] from Mary Cadogan, relating to:
- The creation, by Mary Cadogan, of an entry for Richmal Crompton for the "Dictionary of National Biography".
- The creation, publishing and publicising of Mary Cadogan's biography of Richmal Crompton. The file also includes photocopies of published reviews of the biography; and photocopies of letters sent to Mary Cadogan from people who had read the biography.
- The creation, by Mary Cadogan, of a booklet about Richmal Crompton and her links to the Bromley area.
- The publishing and publicising of other works by or about Richmal Crompton.
- The creation of a radio programme, by Mary Cadogan, about Richmal Crompton.
- Attendance at "William days" for fans of the William stories by Richmal Crompton, and other liaison with William fans.
- Editing of the Just William Society magazine and editing of "Collectors' Digest Annual".
- Arrangements for events to celebrate the centenary [of the birth of Richmal Crompton].
- The creation of publicity for Richmal Crompton's works.
- Other discussions relating to the Richmal Crompton and her work.
- Personal news and updates.
The file also contains:
- A letter sent to Richmall [Richmal] Ashbee from Unwin Hyman, [publishers], relating to the publication of [Mary Cadogan's] biography of Richmal Crompton; letter dated 1986.
- A letter sent to [Richmal] Ashbee from BBC Bristol Network Production Centre, relating to the creation of a radio programme featuring Mary [Cadogan] and [Richmal] Ashbee; letter dated 1986.
- A press cutting from "The Times", 12 November 1988, containing the article "Food For Bunter's Fans" by Byron Rogers, about Mary Cadogan's biography of Frank Richards (author, also known as Charles Hamilton).
- A list [written by Richmal Ashbee] of the names of winners of "Bromley Library Children's William Story-Writing Competition"; list written in 2001.
- Two photocopies of articles about Mary Caodgan: an interview with Mary Cadogan by Norman Wright, published in "Book and Magazine Collector", December 2002; and "Variety of Life" by Paul Webb, published in "The Lady", February 2001. The photocopies were made in c2001-c2002.
- A letter sent to Richmal [Richmal Ashbee] from Kay Williams [author of a biography of Richmal Crompton], discussing politics; letter dated 1987.
- A photocopy of the story "Babs and Co's Holiday Expedition" by Margery Woods; story publised in c1993 and photocopy made in c1993.
- A card, dated 2001, sent to Richmal [Richmal Ashbee] from [a teacher at St Elphin's School, Darley Dale, Derbyshire?] regarding: the William Society; and ephemera from a [William-themed] exhibition at Bethnal Green [Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood, London]. |
Related Material | Further correspondence from Mary Cadogan can be found in RC 128, RC 133, RC 213 and RC 219.
Further documents relating to Kay Williams' biography of Richmal Crompton can be found in RC 2, RC 133, RC 195, RC 196 and RC 198.
Further correspondence from publishers can be found in RC 7, RC 40, RC 81, RC 112, RC 119, RC test 1, RC test 2, RC test 3, RC test 4, RC 120, RC 124, RC 128, RC 133, RC 137, RC 138, RC 139, RC 140, RC 141, RC 142, RC 147, RC 155, RC 156, RC 159, RC 163, RC 166, RC 167, RC 208, RC 212, RC 213, RC 214, RC 216, RC 217, RC 239, RC 346, RC 350, RC 351, RC 356 and RC 360.
Further correspondence from radio and television production companies can be found in RC 81, RC 124, RC 126, RC 136, RC 149 and RC 227.
Further documents relating to St Elphin's School can be found in RC5, RC 7, RC 8, RC 86, RC 88, RC 89, RC 115, RC 143, RC 217, RC 229, RC 231, RC 244, RC 255, RC test 13, RC 283, RC 284, RC 289, RC 295, RC 331 and RC 361.
Further documents relating to Mary Cadogan's biography of Richmal Crompton can be found in RC 139, RC 142, RC 181, RC 197, RC 198, RC 213, RC 227, RC test 12 and RC 290.
Further documents relating to the Just William Society and "William Days" can be found in RC 135, RC 171, RC 172, RC 173, RC 174, RC 175, RC 176, RC 177, RC 178, RC 179, RC 201, RC 214, RC 215, RC 216, RC 217, RC 219, RC 220, RC 232, RC 239, RC 258, RC 282, RC 342, RC 354, RC 360 and RC 374. |