Repository | University of Roehampton: Archives and Special Collections |
Level | File |
Ref No | RC/1/6/3/14 |
Alt Ref No | RC/1/2/1/4/1/10; 75; RC 70 |
Creator Name | Richmal Crompton; Richmal Ashbee (niece of Richmal Crompton); and Richmal Ashbee's heirs |
Title | [Richmal Crompton] Annotated, typed draft copies of sections of the book ["Growing Up with Just William" by Margaret Disher, niece of Richmal Crompton] |
Date | c1990 |
Extent | 1 file |
Description | The file contains annotated, typed draft copies of the following chapters from the book:
- Foreword
- "Chapter 1: Tommy in Trouble"
- "Chapter 2: The William Character"
- "Chapter 3: The Disher Family"
- "Chapter 4: The Lamburns and the Cromptons"
- "Chapter 5: The Cherry Orchard Days"
- "Chapter 6: William Origins"
- "Chapter 7: Our Spiritual Home - the Glebe"
- "Chapter 8: The Return of Father"
- "Chapter 9: Civilising the Teenagers"
- "Chapter 10: Going to Work and War"
- "Chapter 11: The Merchant Adventurer"
- "Chapter 12: Shotgun of the Bullion Van"
- "Chapter 13: Tommy Carries On"
- "Chapter 14: The Perfect Aunt" |
Access Status | Open |
Copyright | Copyright to be determined. |
Related Material | These documents may have originally been stored in one of the folders found in RC 194.
Further documents relating to "Growing Up with Just William" by Margaret Disher can be found in RC 182, RC 183, RC 184, RC 185, RC 186, RC 187, RC 188, RC 189, RC 190, RC 191, RC 193, RC 194 and RC 224. |