RepositoryUniversity of Roehampton: Archives and Special Collections
Reference NumberAHG/1/4
Creator NameAnn Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London
Title[Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents and correspondence relating to the running of and the promotion of the Language of Dance Centre, London
Extent1 file
DescriptionInlcudes the following: - Photocopies of information sheets and articles that detail the work of the Language of Dance Centre, [London], and its history. The information sheets and articles were created in the c1980s, and the photocopies were made in the c1980s. - Leaflets advertising the work of Language of Dance Centre, London, including: a leaflet titled "The Language of Dance Centre", which also contains a blank application form for membership of the Language of Dance Centre, leaflet and membership form created c1980s; and a leaflet titled "What is Language of Dance?", created c1980s. - Draft minutes of the LODC [Language of Dance Centre, London], for meetings held on 8 April 1982, 16 November 1982, 1 June 1984, 29 August 1984, 7 September 1984, and 26 September 1984. - Annotated agenda for meetings of the LODC [Language of Dance Centre, London] held on 29 August 1984 and 17 September 1984. - Notes planning the work [of the Language of Dance Centre, London; these notes may have been taken during meetings]; notes titled "Organization: Management Structure", "Up-Skills", "LNtor [Labanotator] Meetings", "Your Move", "Gwen Anderson", "LODT [Language of Dance Trust?]" and "Ownership"; notes created c1984. - Correspondence, dated 1984, between the Language of Dance Centre, London, and the University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, planning links between the two organisations. - Leaflets advertising teaching materials produced by the Language of Dance Centre, London, including leaflets titled: "Language of Dance Teaching Materials", "The Language of Dance", "What is the Language of Dance Approach for Children?", "Labanotation Wall Charts" and "What is Dance Made of?" The leaflets were created in the c1980s. - A blank subscription renewal form for membership of the Language of Dance Centre, London, and for its journal, "Labanotator", and newsletter, "Action! Recording!". Form dated 1983. - A blank application form for membership of the Language of Dance Centre, London, created c1980s. - A leaflet advertising the book "Your Move: A New Approach to the Study of Movement and Dance" by Ann Hutchinson Guest. The leaflet was produced by Gordon and Breach in c1983. - A booklet titled "Choreography and Dance; Contemporary Theatre Review; Contemporary Theatre Studies" advertising new books and journals on the subjects of dance and theatre that had been published by Gordon and Breach Science Publishers and Harwood Academic Publishers, including several publications created by the Language of Dance Centre, London. The booklet was produced by Gordon and Breach Science Publishers and Harwood Academic Publishers in 1991. - A leaflet advertising for subcriptions to help fund the publication of Labanotated scores for ballet dances. The leaflet is titled "Gems of Classical Ballet" and was produced by the Language of Dance Centre, [London]. Leaflet created c1980s. - Annotated draft copies of a booklet promoting the work and aims of the Language of Dance Centre, [London]; draft copies created and annotated in c1968. Also included are: comments about the booklet, written by [Mary] Skeaping in c1968; and correspondence about the booklet and about the work of the Language of Dance Centre, between Ann [Ann Hutchinson Guest] and potential supporters of the Language of Dance Centre, dated 1967-1970. - Lists of potential supporters and advisors for the Language of Dance Centre; lists created c1968. - A report, by Ann Hutchinson [also known as Ann Hutchinson Guest], on the work of the Language of Dance Centre, London, from 1971 to 1973; report written c1973. - A leaflet titled "Language of Dance Course: The Eight Basic Categories of Movement Motivation"; leaflet dated 1968. - A leaflet advertising [the journal] "The Labanotator" and [the newsletter] "Action! Recording!", published by the Language of Dance Centre, London; leaflet created in c1980s. - A draft copy of the newsletter "Action! Recording!" issue 39, October 1985, created by the Language of Dance Centre, [London]. The issue focuses on the achievements of Ann Hutchinson Guest. Also included with the draft copy are: notes, dated c1985, about the creation of the issue; written tributes to Ann Hutchinson Guest, created c1985, to be published in the issue; and correspondence, dated 1985, relating to the collection of the written tributes.
Access StatusClosed
Closed Until01/01/2066
Access ConditionsContains personal data relating to living individuals. Access to closed material may be reviewed on request by the archivist.
CopyrightCopyright to be determined.
Related MaterialFurther leaflets and publicity material for the work of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre can be found in AHG/6. Further records relating to the planning of links between the Language of Dance Centre and the University of Surrey can be found in AHG/4/8 and AHG/12. Further documents relating to the creation of "Action! Recording!" can be found in AHG/2/1 and AHG/12.
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