Repository | University of Roehampton: Archives and Special Collections |
Level | File |
Reference Number | AHG/7/3/138 |
Alternate Reference Number | Ann Hutchinson Guest Collection 781.556/VLA; 003403297 |
Creator Name | Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London |
Title | [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Музыкальная Литература для Хореографических Училищ: Хрестоматия - Выпуск I" ("Muzykal'naia Literatura") ["Music Literature for Choreographic School: Reader - Volume I"], compiled by В Владимиров (V Vladimirov) and Л Кушнарева [L Kushnareva] |
Date | 20th Century |
Extent | 1 volume |
Description | The scores are in Russian. The scores were published by the Государственное Музыкальное Издательство [State Music Publishing House], Москва [Moscow, USSR], in 1963.
The scores have been annotated to give some of the titles and other information in English; annotations made late-20th Century. |
Language | Russian and English. |
Access Status | Open |
Access Conditions | This item is available for access on the open shelves. |
Copyright | Copyright to be determined. |
Finding Aids | This item has also been listed on the University of Roehampton's library catalogue: |
URL | |
URL Description | This score has also been listed in the University of Roehampton's library catalogue. |