RepositoryUniversity of Roehampton: Archives and Special Collections
Reference NumberAHG/7/3/138
Alternate Reference NumberAnn Hutchinson Guest Collection 781.556/VLA; 003403297
Creator NameAnn Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London
Title[Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Музыкальная Литература для Хореографических Училищ: Хрестоматия - Выпуск I" ("Muzykal'naia Literatura") ["Music Literature for Choreographic School: Reader - Volume I"], compiled by В Владимиров (V Vladimirov) and Л Кушнарева [L Kushnareva]
Date20th Century
Extent1 volume
DescriptionThe scores are in Russian. The scores were published by the Государственное Музыкальное Издательство [State Music Publishing House], Москва [Moscow, USSR], in 1963. The scores have been annotated to give some of the titles and other information in English; annotations made late-20th Century.
LanguageRussian and English.
Access StatusOpen
Access ConditionsThis item is available for access on the open shelves.
CopyrightCopyright to be determined.
Finding AidsThis item has also been listed on the University of Roehampton's library catalogue:
URL DescriptionThis score has also been listed in the University of Roehampton's library catalogue.
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