Repository | University of Roehampton: Archives and Special Collections |
Level | File |
Reference Number | MC/3/3/WC |
Creator Name | Monica Collingwood |
Title | Speech day programmes of Wycliffe College, Stonehouse, Glos. |
Date | 21 June 1935-19 June 1936 |
Extent | 2 items |
Description | File consists of two Speech Day programmes of the Wycliffe College, Stonehouse, Glos., one dated 21 June 1935, the second 19 June 1936. The programmes of the end of year celebrations include accounts of recent events, distribution of certificates and examination prizes and a school year review. These events follow opera performances ('Iolanthe', 1935 and 'The Pirates of Penzance', 1936), productions of the D'Oyly Carte Opera performed by the Choral and Orchestral Societies. |
Language | English |
Physical Description | Minor staining on the 1936 programme. |
Access Status | Open |
Related Material | MC/3/3/DOC Opera performance programmes of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company |