Related Material | Richmal Crompton often used small slips of paper to jot down notes, memoranda, and ideas for stories and plays. Some of these slips of paper were found loose and so have been grouped together in the catalogue (primarily grouped together in this series and in RC/1/1/1/1 and RC/2/6). However, many of the slips of paper were found in files throughout the collection, and have been kept in the files in which they were found.
Further notes containing ideas for stories can be found in RC 20, RC 26, RC 35, RC 37, RC 49, RC 52, RC 83, RC 98, RC 105, RC 106, RC 107, RC 116, RC 230 and RC 275. They may also be unidentified within notes that are found throughout the collection.
Ideas for William stories in particular can be found in RC 26, RC 35, RC 37, RC 49, RC 52, RC 83, RC 98 and RC 106.
cross-ref to William stories
cross-ref to published books |