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AHG - Ann Hutchinson Guest Collection
1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the administration of the Language of Dance Centre, London, the Language of Dance Association, and the Language of Dance Trust
2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation of publications
3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to teaching, including the teaching of Labanotation and Motif Notation
1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Labanotation reading exercises
2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Labanotation reading exercises
3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of Labanotated scores for use as sight reading material in an elementary Labanotation examination
4 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Labanotated scores for examples of the types of dances used for dictation tests and exercises during the teaching of elementary Labanotation
5 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Draft copies of teaching materials for a correspondence course in Labanotation for advanced classical ballet
6 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Labanotation teaching materials [from an advanced Labanotation correspondence course?]
7 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Teaching materials from Labanotation correspondence courses; and published Labanotation reading exercises
8 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to the creation of a correspondence course in Labanotation called the "Professional Correspondence Course"
9 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published booklet titled "Stage Notation: The Writing of Floor Plans and Group Movement", being an excerpt from the textbook "Labanotation" by Ann Hutchinson [later known as Ann Hutchinson Guest]
10 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotation reading exercises titled "Mimeographed Elementary Reading Studies: Book One"
11 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotation reading exercises titled "Mimeographed Reading Material: Series I-V"
12 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Labanotation reading exercises, labelled series I to V, [likely produced by the Dance Notation Bureau, New York, USA]
13 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotation reading exercises titled "Mimeographed Reading Material: SeriesVI-X"
14 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotation reading exercises titled "Mimeographed Reading Material: SeriesVI-X"
15 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Teaching materials from a primary teacher training course in Labanotation, run by the Dance Notation Bureau, Inc., New York, [USA]
16 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of teaching materials for a Cinetographie Laban [Labanotation] correspondence course, run by the Association Nationale Pour le Développement des Etudes Chorégraphiques and the Ecole Superieure d'Etudes Choregraphiques, Paris, [France]
17 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] File titled "Reading Material in Modern Dance - Advanced" containing Labanotated scores for modern dances
18 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] File titled "Class Studies - Elem [Elementary] - Odette Blum", containing photocopies of Labanotation reading exercises [presumably exercises for use in elementary Labanotation classes taught by Odette Blum]
19 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Information about Labanotation tests and examinations, including: notes about Labanotation tests and examinations; blank copies of some test and examination papers; and marked and completed copies of some test and examination papers
20 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of Labanotation exercises and questions, titled "Elementary Homework Sheets"
21 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of Labanotation exercises and questions, titled "Courses - Assignments (Elem [Elementary] & Inter [Intermediate])"
22 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Labanotation reading exercises titled "Ballet Studies: Classroom Combinations", arranged by Ann Hutchinson [later known as Ann Hutchinson Guest]
23 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published book titled "Labanotation Workbook" by Allan Miles
24 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Labanotation Workbooks created by Allan Miles
25 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Labanotation textbook by Szentpál Mária [Mária Szentpál] titled "Tánjelírás: Laban-Kinetográfia - I. Kötet", including the booklet "Kinetográifai Melléklet" containing Labanotation and diagrams to accompany the textbook
26 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to Labanotation examinations
27 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of Labanotation teaching materials titled "Intermediate Correspondence Course"
28 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Coloured cards containing Labanotation symbols, with most cards containing one symbol each (although some cards have been annotated with further symbols) [the cards are known as choreo-cut-outs]
29 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Draft copies of Labanotation reading exercises from lesson 18 of a [Labanotation] advanced corr [correspondence] course
30 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence and documents relating to the creation of an exam paper for elementary Labanotation, to be set by the Language of Dance Centre, London
31 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to the creation of an exam paper for advanced Labanotation, to be set by the Dance Notation Bureau, New York, [USA]
32 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to the creation of an exam paper for elementary Labanotation
33 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of book "Labanotation Workbook: Part II" by Allan Miles
34 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of published book "Labanotation Workbook: Part I" by Allan Miles
35 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of Labanotation teaching materials titled "Elementary Correspondence Course"
36 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence and documents relating to the creation of an exam paper for intermediate Labanotation
37 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Booklet titled "Labanotation for Ballet Dancers" by Allan Miles
38 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to the running of the Teachers Training Course at the College of the Royal Academy of Dancing [later known as the Royal Academy of Dance]
39 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotation teaching materials titled "Language of Dance Course: Number One", created by Ann Hutchinson [also known as Ann Hutchinson Guest]
40 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to the teaching of "Language of Dance" classes as part of the TTC [Teachers Training Course] at the College of the Royal Academy of Dancing [later known as the Royal Academy of Dance]
41 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence between the Language of Dance Centre, London, and people seeking further information about the Language of Dance Centre's courses and publications
42 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Teaching materials published by the Language of Dance Centre, London, for the teaching of motif dance notation
43 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] File titled "LN [Labanotation] Teaching Notes (S [Sheila] Marion)", containing photocopies of handwritten notes on the subject of advanced Labanotation [these notes appear to have been taken by Sheila Marion during classes taught by Ann Hutchinson (also known as Ann Hutchinson Guest)]
44 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] A Labanotated score and musical score for the dance "Valse Brillante" by Rose Lorenz; a list of Labanotated scores, titled "RAD [Royal Academy of Dancing, later known as the Royal Academy of Dance] Exam Slips for Reading Test"; and a musical score for "Waltz for Miriam", composed by [Frédéric] Chopin
45 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to the creation of tests and examinations for Labanotation, set by the Language of Dance Centre, London
46 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to the teaching of beginners' and intermediate Labanotation by Heidi Biegel
47 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] File titled "LN-Inter Hmwork" ["Labanotation - Intermediate Homework"] containing draft copies of Labanotation questions and exercises, including notes regarding the compilation of those questions and exercises
48 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] File titled "Jude - Inter [Intermediate] Teach [Teaching] Materials" containing handwritten notes and photocopies of Labanotated reading exercises and scores used to teach Labanotation [presumably used by Jude (full name not given in the file) to teach intermediate Labanotation]
49 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to a proposal for a project to create a modern dance and Labanotation programme for use in dance schools in Alberta, [Canada], proposed by Ann Kipling Brown and Dorothy J Harris
50 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopy of an annotated draft of a textbook about Motif dance notation written by [Charlotte] Wile [the book was later titled "Moving About: Capturing Movement Highlights Using Motif Notation"]
51 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of Labanotation exercises and questions, titled "Advanced Labanotation Homework Sheets"
52 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence and documents relating to proof-reading, by Ann Hutchinson Guest, of the book "Elementary Labanotation" ["Elementary Labanotation: A Study Guide"] written by Muriel Topaz
53 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Booklet "Motif at a Glance! A Quick Guide to Motif Description: The Method of Recording Movement Concepts" by the Language of Dance Centre, London; containing a list of the symbols used in Motif dance notation, with brief descriptions
54 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a page containing simple motif notation reading examples; and cards containing a small number of motif notation symbols
4 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the involvement of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London, with other organisations, groups and individuals
5 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation and collection of Labanotated scores
6 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to publicity and the promotion of the work of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London
7 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Collected reference material
8 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Video recordings
9 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Audio recordings
10 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence and autographs from well-known people; collected by Ivor Guest [husband of Ann Hutchinson Guest]
11 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Issues of "The Labanotator" journal, with resulting correspondence and notes containing discussions about Labanotation; issues of "The Kinetographer" journal; and notes about various dances [compiled or created?] by Mary Skeaping
12 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to: the work of the Dance Notation Bureau, New York, [USA]; the work of the Language of Dance Centre, London; and the proposed establishment of a Movement Notation Institute [this may be the Labanotation Institute at the University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey]
13 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents and correspondence relating to the running of the Language of Dance Centre, London; the use of Labanotation; and the teaching of Labanotation
14 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Guidelines for the certification of Labanotated scores by the Dance Notation Bureau, New York, [USA], with related correspondence and documents; and teaching material and summaries of lessons for the choreography course "Balletmakers" taught by Ann Hutchinson [also known as Ann Hutchinson Guest]
15 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Information about the renting of Labanotated scores and other material from the rental library at the Language of Dance Centre, London
16 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence relating to the running of the Language of Dance Association; correspondence relating to a search for funding for the Language of Dance Centre, London; and photocopies of documents outlining the project to create the book "Your Move" [by Ann Hutchinson Guest]
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