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Collapse AHG - Ann Hutchinson Guest CollectionAHG - Ann Hutchinson Guest Collection
Expand 1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the administration of the Language of Dance Centre, London, the Language of Dance Association, and the Language of Dance Trust1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the administration of the Language of Dance Centre, London, the Language of Dance Association, and the Language of Dance Trust
Expand 2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation of publications2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation of publications
Expand 3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to teaching, including the teaching of Labanotation and Motif Notation3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to teaching, including the teaching of Labanotation and Motif Notation
Expand 4 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the involvement of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London, with other organisations, groups and individuals4 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the involvement of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London, with other organisations, groups and individuals
Collapse 5 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation and collection of Labanotated scores5 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation and collection of Labanotated scores
Expand 1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the use of computer software to write Labanotation1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the use of computer software to write Labanotation
Expand 2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photographs and drawings of people in different poses (intended to be used as examples of poses to be notated in Labanotation)2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photographs and drawings of people in different poses (intended to be used as examples of poses to be notated in Labanotation)
3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of annotated Labanotated scores and notes titled "Vorschläge zur Notierung von Gruppenbewegungen mittels der Kinetographie Laban" ["Proposals for the Notation of Group Movements through Kinetography Laban"] by A [Albrecht] Knust
4 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopies of Labanotated scores titled "Elementary Studies in Laban's Dance Script" by Irma Dombois-Bartenieff and Irma Otte-Betz
5 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of Labanotated scores for several "Menuett" or "Menuet" ["Minuet"] dances
6 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Negative photocopy of an [unnamed] Labanotated score
7 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a Labanotated score and a musical score for [the ballet] "Four Temperaments" [choreographed by George Balanchine in 1946]
8 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Notes recording the hours spent by some notators in recording certain dances [in Labanotation]
9 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Handwritten, draft Labanotated score for the ballet "The Guests", choreographed by [Jerome] Robbins
10 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of Labanotated scores for ballet steps, as taught at Juilliard [Juilliard School, New York, USA]
11 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Draft copies of Labanotated scores for the "Classical Ballet (Cecchetti Method)" syllabi for the first, second and third years taught at the Juilliard Schol of Music, [New York, USA]
12 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotated score and musical score for the dance "Butterfly Etude", choreographed by Patricia Bowman in the mid-20th Century
13 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of Labanotated scores for children's dances
14 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Draft copies of Labanotated scores for the dances "Lyrical Dance 16+" [choreographer's name not stated], and "Jazz Sequence", choreographed by Veronica Jobbins
15 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Draft Labanotated scores titled "Cecchetti Society Graded Tests I-IV"
16 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotated score and musical score for the dance "Valse Caprice", choreographed by Anatole Vilzak in the mid-20th Century
17 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photographs reproducing the entirety of a Labanotated score for the dance "Semi-Symphonette", choreographed by Terry Heard in 1962
18 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Labanotated scores for "Ballet for Children: Cecchetti Graded Tests", for the 1st-4th tests, notated by Ann Hutchinson [also known as Ann Hutchinson Guest]
19 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of a Labanotated score and a musical score for the dance "Totem Ancestor", choreographed by Merce Cunningham [in 1942]
20 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated draft copies of Labanotated scores titled "Mandagskole af Bournonville" ("Monday Classwork of Bournonville")
21 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Pages 1-57 from published book "Israeli Notebook: Vol. 2" ["Israeli Folkdance Notebook: Volume 2" by Franklin Byrom], containing Labanotated scores and musical scores for Israeli dances
22 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to a proposal for a project called "American Dance Machine", aiming to preserve the dance of the Broadway Theatre, and planned by the Dance Notation Bureau, New York, [USA]
23 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a Labanotated score of steps from the dance "The Charleston Ballet", choreographed by Jerome Robbins and notated by Ann Hutchinson [also known as Ann Hutchinson Guest]
24 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotated scores and musical scores for traditional dances from the Marais Nord Vendéen, [France]
25 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotated scores and musical scores for traditional dances from Cieszyn, Poland
26 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotated score for "Dirge III", a eukinetics study choroegraphed by Sigurd Leeder in 1978
27 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotated score for "March 70", a eukinetics study choroegraphed by Sigurd Leeder in 1978
28 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Printed Labanotated score for the dance "That All American Game", choreographed by Judith Allen in 1976
29 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a Labanotated score for the dance "And After the Journey", choreographed by Georgette Weisz Amowitz in 1958 (and revised in 1965)
30 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to the compilation of a dictionary of the classical ballet steps taught at the Royal Academy of Dancing [later known as the Royal Academy of Dance], listing the steps taught and including Labanotated scores for each step
31 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published Labanotated score and musical score for the flamenco dance "The Farruca" choreographed by Juan Sanchez (El Estampío) in the late-18th or early-19th Century
32 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of dance scores from A Level [General Certificate of Education - Advanced Level] examinations
Expand 6 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to publicity and the promotion of the work of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London6 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to publicity and the promotion of the work of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London
Expand 7 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Collected reference material7 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Collected reference material
Expand 8 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Video recordings8 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Video recordings
Expand 9 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Audio recordings9 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Audio recordings
Expand 10 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence and autographs from well-known people; collected by Ivor Guest [husband of Ann Hutchinson Guest]10 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence and autographs from well-known people; collected by Ivor Guest [husband of Ann Hutchinson Guest]
11 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Issues of "The Labanotator" journal, with resulting correspondence and notes containing discussions about Labanotation; issues of "The Kinetographer" journal; and notes about various dances [compiled or created?] by Mary Skeaping
12 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to: the work of the Dance Notation Bureau, New York, [USA]; the work of the Language of Dance Centre, London; and the proposed establishment of a Movement Notation Institute [this may be the Labanotation Institute at the University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey]
13 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents and correspondence relating to the running of the Language of Dance Centre, London; the use of Labanotation; and the teaching of Labanotation
14 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Guidelines for the certification of Labanotated scores by the Dance Notation Bureau, New York, [USA], with related correspondence and documents; and teaching material and summaries of lessons for the choreography course "Balletmakers" taught by Ann Hutchinson [also known as Ann Hutchinson Guest]
15 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Information about the renting of Labanotated scores and other material from the rental library at the Language of Dance Centre, London
16 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence relating to the running of the Language of Dance Association; correspondence relating to a search for funding for the Language of Dance Centre, London; and photocopies of documents outlining the project to create the book "Your Move" [by Ann Hutchinson Guest]
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