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Collapse AHG - Ann Hutchinson Guest CollectionAHG - Ann Hutchinson Guest Collection
Expand 1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the administration of the Language of Dance Centre, London, the Language of Dance Association, and the Language of Dance Trust1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the administration of the Language of Dance Centre, London, the Language of Dance Association, and the Language of Dance Trust
Expand 2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation of publications2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation of publications
Expand 3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to teaching, including the teaching of Labanotation and Motif Notation3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to teaching, including the teaching of Labanotation and Motif Notation
Expand 4 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the involvement of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London, with other organisations, groups and individuals4 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the involvement of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London, with other organisations, groups and individuals
Expand 5 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation and collection of Labanotated scores5 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to the creation and collection of Labanotated scores
Expand 6 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to publicity and the promotion of the work of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London6 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Records relating to publicity and the promotion of the work of Ann Hutchinson Guest and the Language of Dance Centre, London
Collapse 7 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Collected reference material7 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Collected reference material
1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Collected books, journals and other publications
Expand 2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Collected reference material (known as the "ringbinders" series)2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Collected reference material (known as the "ringbinders" series)
Collapse 3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Musical scores3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Musical scores
1 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopy of a published musical score for the ballet "Giselle ou Les Wilis", composed by Adolphe Adam, and réduite pour le piano [arranged for the piano] by V Cornette
2 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a published musical score for the ballet "Giselle ou Les Wilis", composed by Adolphe Adam, and réduite pour le piano [arranged for the piano] by V Cornette
3 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "The Garden of Ryoan-Gi: For Three Electronic Organs", composed by Louis Andriessen
4 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopies of musical scores for "The Garden of Ryoan-Gi" composed by Louis Andriessen, and "String Quartet" composed by Nicholas Bannan
5 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Musical scores for "Mexican Dance: Las Chiapanicas" composed by [Juan] Arozamena, and "Primitive Rhythms" [composed by Jess Meeker?]
6 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Dance Movements from Bach", composed by [Johann Sebastian] Bach, and selected and arranged for piano by J Michael Diack
7 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores for piano titled "Bach English Suites: Book I", composed by [Johann Sebastian] Bach, and edited by Franklin Taylor
8 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for "Englische Suiten: Nr. 2. Am" ("English Suites: Number 2. A Minor"), composed by [Johann Sebastian] Bach, mit fingersatz und vortragszeichen [with fingering and expression marks] by C Reinecke
9 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for the piano for "Gavotte in E" composed by [Johann Sebastian] Bach, transcribed by C Saint-Saëns, and edited by Arthur Foote
10 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for "Loure: from 3rd Suite for Cello" composed by [Johann Sebastian] Bach, and arr. [arranged] for piano by Sara Heinze
11 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores for piano for "Partitas Nos. 4-6", composed by [Johann Sebastian] Bach
12 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor", composed by Johann Sebastian Bach, and transcribed for piano by Arthur Briskier
13 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores for piano titled "Bach Short Preludes and Fugues", composed by [Johann Sebastian] Bach, and edited by Franklin Taylor
14 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores intended to accompany the "Dance Education Syllabus: Character Work, Levels I, II & III (including Polish)" from the Royal Academy of Dancing [later known as the Royal Academy of Dance]; original folk songs arranged by Mavis Barr and additional pieces by Kevin Chapman
15 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores for piano titled "Beethoven Sonatas Op. 27 No. 2", composed by [Ludwig] van Beethoven, and edited phrased and fingered by Stewart Macpherson
16 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopy of a musical score for "Bolero de Caspe", arranged for piano by Frances Benda
17 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Brahms: Six Piano Pieces Intermezzi, Ballade & Romanze Op. 188", composed by Johannes Brahms
18 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for "Variations on a Theme by Josef Haydn", composed by Johannes Brahms
19 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "Quartet No. 1, Op. 25" composed by Benjamin Britten
20 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "The Oxford Nursery Song Book", collected and arranged by Percy Buck, and illustrated by Klara
21 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores and graphical artwork titled "Five Piano Pieces for David Tudor: Extraits de Pièces de Chair II (Reproduction du Manuscrit de l'Auteur)" by Sylvano Bussotti
22 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "Old English Dance Tunes (17th Century)" composed and arranged for piano-conductor by Adam Carse
23 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores for "Preludes" composed by Friedrick [Frédéric] Chopin, and revised and fingered by Vernon Warner
24 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Chopin: Selected Compositions for the Piano: Volume 1, Library No. 10", composed by Frédéric Chopin
25 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for [the ballet] "Les Sylphides" composed by [Frédéric] Chopin
26 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical and dance scores [but not Labanotated dance scores] for the ballets "Les Sylphides" composed by [Frédéric] Chopin, and "Le Spectre de la Rose" composed by [Carl Maria von] Weber; edited and annotated by Shigeo Ogura
27 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores for piano titled "Scenes from an Imaginary Ballet Op. 74", composed by [Samuel] Coleridge-Taylor
28 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Easy Elizabethans", edited and arranged for piano by Harold Craxton
29 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "First Lessons in Piano Pedalling" composed by Gladys Cumberland
30 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Mrs. Curwen's Pianoforte Method: 1st Solo Album", by Annie J Curwen, with music composed by John Kinross
31 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Mrs. Curwen's Pianoforte Method: 1st Step", by Annie J Curwen, with duets composed by John Kinross
32 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Mrs. Curwen's Pianoforte Method: 2nd Step", by Annie J Curwen, with duets composed by John Kinross
33 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Mrs. Curwen's Pianoforte Method: 3rd Step", by Annie J Curwen, with duets composed by John Kinross
34 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Mrs. Curwen's Pianoforte Method: 4th Step", by Annie J Curwen, with duets composed by John Kinross
35 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Studies with English Fingering" composed by Carl Czerny
36 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a musical score for "Variation Lisette", composed by Cziboulka [Alphons Czibulka?]
37 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for "Des Pas Sur la Neige" composed by Claude Debussy
38 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for "A Dance Rhapsody for Orchestra" ("Eine Tanzrhapsodie für Orchester") composed by Frederick Delius, and arranged for two pianos by Percy Grainger
39 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for "Barn Dance: Piano Solo", composed by Albert DeVito
40 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "The Merry Go-Round: Piano Solo", composed by Albert DeVito
41 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores intended to accompany the "Boys' Senior Grade Examination" from the Royal Academy of Dancing [later known as the Royal Academy of Dance]; music composed by Graham Dickson-Price, and solo variation composed by Geoffrey Howard
42 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for "Sérénade (Les Millions d'Arlequin)" composed by Richard Drigo
43 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Sing and Dance: Original Songs for Home and School" by Dora Dubsky, illustrated by Ayala Gordon
44 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores for piano titled "A Garden of Melodies Op. 31", composed by Thomas F Dunhill
45 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for the ballet "El Sombrero de Tres Picos" ("Le Tricorne" or "The Three-Cornered Hat") composed by Manuel de Falla
46 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for piano for the ballet "El Sombrero de Tres Picos" ("Le Tricorne" or "The Three-Cornered Hat"), composed by Manuel de Falla
47 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "A Treasury of Stephen Foster", arranged for piano by Ray Lev and Dorothy Berliner Commins, with illustrations by William Sharp and historical notes by John Tasker Howard
48 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Alte Französische Meister: Piano Solo" ("Old French Masters: Piano Solo")
49 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Great Tunes by Great Masters: Vol 1", selected and adapted for the piano by Henry Geehl
50 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Great Tunes by Great Masters: Vol 2", selected and adapted for the piano by Henry Geehl
51 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores for piano titled "The Music to 'Nell Gwyn': Three Dances", composed by Edward German, and fingered by Clarence Lucas
52 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "George Gershwin's Preludes for Piano"
53 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "George Gershwin: Preludes for Piano"
54 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for piano for the ballet "Raymonda" composed by Alexandre Glazounow [Alexander Glazunov] (Op. 57)
55 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for "To the Spring Op. 43 Nr. 6", composed by [Edvard] Grieg
56 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Songs of the British Islands", selected and edited by W H Hadow
57 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Complete Concerti Grossi: in Full Score", composed by George Frideric Handel, edited by Freidrich Chrysander
58 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "Jephtha: An Oratorio for Soprano, Alto, 2 Tenors & Bass Soli, SATB & Orchestra" composed by [George Frideric] Handel, edited and the piano accompaniment arranged by Vincent Novello
59 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a muscial score for "Rhythmes II", composed by [Tibor?] Harsanyi
60 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopy of a musical score for the pas de deux from [the ballet] "Blomsterfesten i Genzano" ["Flower Festival at Genzano"], [composed by Edvard Helsted]
61 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopy of a musical score for the pas de deux from [the ballet] "Blomsterfesten i Genzano" ("Flower Festival in Genzano"), [composed by Edvard Helsted]
62 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a musical score for the pas de deux from [the ballet] "Flower Festival at Genzano", composed by [Edvard] Helsted
63 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of an unnamed musical score [likely a musical score for the pas de deux from the ballet "Flower Festival at Genzano", composed by Edvard Helsted]
64 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for "Thema mit vier Variationen (Die Vier Temperamente) für Streichorchester und Klavier" composed by Paul Hindeminth, and klavierauszug für 2 klaviere [arranged for two pianos] by Karl Hammer
65 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a published musical score for "Air for Dancing" composed by Antony Hopkins
66 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for "She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain", composed by Louis Horst
67 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopies of musical scores titled "Hugo Dances: Suite of Dances"
68 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for "The Comedians, Op. 26" composed by [Dmitry] Kabalevsky (with annotations relating to [the dance] "I-71" choroegraphed by Vera Blaine)
69 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores for piano titled "Fifteen Children's Pieces Opus 27 Book 1", composed by Dimitri Kabalevsky, and edited by Alfred Mirovitch
70 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "Mountain Tune", composed by Wendell Keeney, and arranged for piano by Livingston Gearhart
71 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Hét Zongoradarab Op. 11" ["Seven Piano Pieces Op. 11"], composed by Kodály Zoltán [Zoltán Kodály]
72 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Music for the Ballet Class", selected and edited by Paul Kueter
73 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a musical score titled "Labanotation Song"
74 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Music for Modern Dance Studies: Book 1 - Jane Winearls (Oxford University Press)", composed by Barbara Lander in collaboration with Jane Winearls
75 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Music for Modern Dance Studies: Book 2 - Jane Winearls (Oxford University Press)", composed by Barbara Lander in collaboration with Jane Winearls
76 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Music for Modern Dance Studies: Book 3 - Jane Winearls (Oxford University Press)", composed by Barbara Lander in collaboration with Jane Winearls
77 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for the opera bouffe "Giroflé-Girofla", composed by [Charles] Lecocq, and arranged for the piano by Emile Tavan
78 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores for piano titled "Five Pieces for Dance", composed by Norman Lloyd
79 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated musical scores for "Evolution of Prayer", composed by Jess Meeker, and "Primitive Rhythms", composed by Jess Meeker
80 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for "In the Park", composed by Jess Meeker
81 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Musical score for "Primitive Rhythms" [composed by Jess Meeker?]
82 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopy of a muscial score for "Primitive Rhythms", composed by [Jess] Meeker
83 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for "Scotch Symphony Op. 56", composed by [Felix] Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and arranged for piano by M Pauer
84 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for piano for the ballet from [the opera] "Isoline", composed by André Messager
85 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores for piano titled "Trois Rag-Caprices", composed by Darius Milhaud
86 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for the ballet "Don Quixote" composed by Ludwig Minkus, edited by Baird Hastings
87 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for the pas de deux from [the ballet] "Don Quixote", composed by Ludwig Minkus, and arranged for piano by Peter March
88 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Musik Der Zeit: Piano Solo III" ("Contemporary Music: Piano Solo III")
Collapse 89 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopies of published musical scores titled "Nunlist" [examples of musical scores used in a "Music for Dance" course taught by Juli Nunlist?]89 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopies of published musical scores titled "Nunlist" [examples of musical scores used in a "Music for Dance" course taught by Juli Nunlist?]
90 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores intended to accompany "Children's Examinations" from the Royal Academy of Dancing [later known as the Royal Academy of Dance]; music composed by Thomas B Pitfield
91 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical [and dance?] score for "뽈쓰까민족무용: 마주르까" ["Polska Ethnic Dance: Mazurka"] ("Polish Mazurka")
92 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Musical score for the pas de six from [the ballet] "La Vivandière", [composed by Cesare Pugni]
93 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopy of a musical score for the pas de six from [the ballet] "La Vivandière", [composed by Cesare Pugni], adapted and arranged for piano by Janis E Neilson-Fransen
94 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for "Bolero", composed by Maurice Ravel, and [arranged for piano by] Roger Branga
95 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a muscial score for "New Dance", composed by Wallingford Rieggar
96 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "A Grecian Picture", composed by Alex Robertson, with words from a poem by Rennell Rodd
97 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "Soirées Musicales" a suite of movements composed by [Gioachino] Rossini and arranged for piano-conductor by Benjamin Britten
98 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores intended to accompany "Children's Examinations" from the Royal Academy of Dancing [later known as the Royal Academy of Dance]
99 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "The Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music for Local Examinations in Music - Alternative Exercises for Pianoforte - Scheme 'A' and Scheme 'B' - Primary Division"
100 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "The Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music for Local Examinations in Music - 1930 - 'School' Examinations - Pianoforte - Primary Division - Lists A, B and C"
101 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "The Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music for Local Examinations in Music - 1932 - 'School' Examinations - Pianoforte - Primary Division - Lists A, B and C"
102 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London (the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music) for Local Examinations in Music - 1933 - Pianoforte Examinations - Grade V - List A (Higher)"
103 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London (the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music) for Local Examinations in Music - 1934 - Pianoforte Examinations - Grade V - List A (Higher)"
104 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London (the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music) for Local Examinations in Music - 1934 - Pianoforte Examinations - Grade V - List B (Higher)"
105 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for "Le Cygne" ("The Swan") composed by [Camille] Saint-Saëns, and transcribed for piano by E Hoskier
106 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Scandinavian Dance Music: First Series"
107 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Scandinavian Dance Music: Second Series"
108 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "The Bournonville Schools: Music for the Monday School", coordinated for violin by Ludvig Schmidt (Forgeron), arranged for the piano by Holger Nielson, and edited for dancers by Valerie Sutton
109 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "The Three Bournonville Barres", coordinated for violin by Ludvig Schmidt (Forgeron), arranged for the piano by Holger Nielson, and edited for dancers by Valerie Sutton
110 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "6 Kleine Klavierstücke Op. 19", composed by Arnold Schoenberg, titled "6 Kleine Klavierstücke Op. 19"
111 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for "Octet F Major for 2 Violins, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Clarinet, Horn and Bassoon: Op. 166" composed by Franz Schubert
112 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Musical score for the dance "Schubert Waltzes", composed by [Franz] Schubert and arranged by Louis Horst
113 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopy of an annotated, published musical score for "Carnaval: Scènes Mignonnes sur Quatre Notes - Op. 9", composed by Robert Schumann, and arranged by Hans Bischoff
114 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a musical score for "Musik zum Märzlied aus den Studi Sinfonici", composed by Robert Schumann
115 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for the piano for "Nordishes Lied" ("Norse Song") composed by Robert Schumann, edited and fingered by Max Vogrich
116 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for piano for "Schlummerlied Op. 124" composed by [Robert] Schumann, and revised and fingered by W Scharfenberg
117 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for the piano for "Three Romances Op. 28" composed by Robert Schumann, and edited and fingered by Max Vogrich
118 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Alexander Scriabin: The Complete Preludes and Etudes for Pianoforte Solo", edited by KN Igumnov and YI Mil'shteyn
119 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score für klavier [for piano] for "Deux Poèmes: Opus 32", composed by Alexander Scriabin
120 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for the ballet "Icarus" composed by [Sergei] Slonimsky
121 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "The Listen and Move Music Book: Book One", composed by Geraldine Stephenson, John Dalby and Adda Heynssen
122 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "The Listen and Move Music Book: Book Two", composed by Geraldine Stephenson, John Dalby and Adda Heynssen
123 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "The Blue Danube Waltzes" composed by Johann Strauss, and simplified and arranged for piano by Eric Mareo
124 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for the ballet "Graduation Ball" composed by Johann Strauss, and arranged for piano by Antal Dorati
125 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for piano for the ballet "Graduation Ball" composed by Johann Strauss, and arranged for piano by Antal Dorati
126 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Waltzes from Vienna", composed by Johann Strauss, and arranged for piano by E W Korngold, Julius Bittner, G H Clutsam and Herbert Griffiths
127 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for the ballet "Agon" composed by Igor Strawinsky [Stravinsky]
128 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for the ballet "Agon" composed by Igor Strawinsky [Stravinsky]
129 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for the ballet "Casse-Noisette: The Nutcracker, Op. 71" composed by Tschaikovsky [Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky], arranged by Sergei Taneyeff, and edited and annotated by Peter March
130 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for piano for the ballet "La Belle au Bois Dormant: The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66" composed by Tschaikovsky [Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky], arranged by Alexander Siloti, and edited and annotated by Peter March
131 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for a suite from the ballet "La Belle au Bois Dormant, Op. 66A" ("The Sleeping Beauty") composed by [Pyotr Ilyich] Tchaikovsky and arranged for the paino by A Siloti
132 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for piano for the ballet "Le Lac des Cygnes: The Swan Lake, Op. 20" composed by Tschaikovsky [Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky], arranged by E Langer, annotated by Peter March and with a synopsis by Cyril W Beaumont
133 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical score for piano for the ballet "Swan Lake" composed by [Pyotr Ilyich] Tchaikovsky; edited and annotated by Shigeo Ogura
134 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated photocopy of part of a publication containing musical scores and written descriptions of dances, titled "Musik am Preussischen Hofe: Nr. 14. Musik auf dem Kostümball am 27 Februar 1897 im Königlichen Schlosse zu Berlin" ["Music of the Prussian Court: Number 14. Music from the Masquerade Ball on 27 February 1897 at the Royal Palace in Berlin"], herausgegeben von [edited by] Georg Thouret
135 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Music Album for Soviet Dances", edited by Anthony Twiner
136 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "Music Album for More Soviet Dances", edited by Anthony Twiner
137 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of annotated musical scores for "Concerto: La Mineur - A-Moll, pour Deux Violons Principaux" ("Concerto Grosso Op. 3 Nr. 8"), composed by Antonio Vivaldi
138 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Музыкальная Литература для Хореографических Училищ: Хрестоматия - Выпуск I" ("Muzykal'naia Literatura") ["Music Literature for Choreographic School: Reader - Volume I"], compiled by В Владимиров (V Vladimirov) and Л Кушнарева [L Kushnareva]
139 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical score for "Grande Fantasie et Variations sur la Cracovienne" composed by [William Vincent] Wallace
140 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published musical scores titled "A Dance Pageant: Renaissance and Baroque Keyboard Dances", selected and edited by Donald Waxman, with illustrated descriptions and historical notes on the dances by Wendy Hilton
141 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of a muscial score for "American Sentiment", composed by Drusa Wilker
142 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores titled "Musical Score of the Grammar of the Art of Dancing" by Friedrich Albert Zorn and edited by Alfonso Josephs Sheafe
143 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Annotated published musical scores for vocal duets from various composers
4 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopies of published reviews of the ballet "Cléopâtre" (also known as "Cleopatra"), choreographed by Michel Fokine
5 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published dances and exercises from the early- to mid-20th Century (containing musical scores and written instructions for the dances [but no dance scores]), including dances and exercises by Sonia Serova, Louis H Chalif and Portia Mansfield
6 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of published book "Ancient Egyptian Dances" by Irena Lexová, translated into English by K Haltmar, and with illustrations by Milada Lexová
7 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Article by Ann Hutchinson [later known as Ann Hutchinson Guest], titled "Equal Space for Ann Hutchinson, founder of the Dance Notation Bureau, to discuss the review of Gordon Curl's 'An Enquiry into Movement Notation'"
8 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Notes and documents about the Stepanov dance notation system
9 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Page from the "North Texas Daily" newsletter from the North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, [USA], containing the article "New Yorker Teaches Labanotation"
10 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published reviews of performances of a reconstruction of the ballet "Symphonie Concertante", choreographed by George Balanchine, and performed by the American Ballet Theater
11 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Notes and documents about Pierre Conté's dance notation system
12 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Published book "Gymnastics for Women: Fourth Edition" by Andrea Bodo Schmid and Blanche Jessen Drury
13 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Photocopy of book "Dance-Time: An Exploration of Time in Relation to Dance" by Ann Hutchinson Guest
14 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Press cutting containing article "Some Esthetic Problems in Reviving Old Dance" by Jennifer Dunning, published in the "New York Times"
15 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Press cutting containing article "Will Choreography Ever Be Respected as an Art Form?" by Jack Anderson, published in the "New York Times"
Expand 8 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Video recordings8 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Video recordings
Expand 9 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Audio recordings9 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Audio recordings
Expand 10 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence and autographs from well-known people; collected by Ivor Guest [husband of Ann Hutchinson Guest]10 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence and autographs from well-known people; collected by Ivor Guest [husband of Ann Hutchinson Guest]
11 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Issues of "The Labanotator" journal, with resulting correspondence and notes containing discussions about Labanotation; issues of "The Kinetographer" journal; and notes about various dances [compiled or created?] by Mary Skeaping
12 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents relating to: the work of the Dance Notation Bureau, New York, [USA]; the work of the Language of Dance Centre, London; and the proposed establishment of a Movement Notation Institute [this may be the Labanotation Institute at the University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey]
13 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Documents and correspondence relating to the running of the Language of Dance Centre, London; the use of Labanotation; and the teaching of Labanotation
14 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Guidelines for the certification of Labanotated scores by the Dance Notation Bureau, New York, [USA], with related correspondence and documents; and teaching material and summaries of lessons for the choreography course "Balletmakers" taught by Ann Hutchinson [also known as Ann Hutchinson Guest]
15 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Information about the renting of Labanotated scores and other material from the rental library at the Language of Dance Centre, London
16 - [Ann Hutchinson Guest] Correspondence relating to the running of the Language of Dance Association; correspondence relating to a search for funding for the Language of Dance Centre, London; and photocopies of documents outlining the project to create the book "Your Move" [by Ann Hutchinson Guest]
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